Callington Sherwin DP-50 – Penetrant #1


  • Brings flaws into sharper, clearer focus with more intense red color
  • Performs more reliably over a greater range of temperatures
  • DP-50 meets stringent low sulfur and chloride requirements
  • Long lasting flaw mark indications; less fading
  • Water washable; easy to remove

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DP-50 is water washable visible penetrant used to locate cracks, laps, pores,
lack of bonding, and similar surface flaws. DP-50 can be used on nonporous parts
including both ferrous and nonferrous metals, ceramics, and glass and some plastics.
Referred to as the “visible dye penetrant“ method or “color contrast” method of inspection
and can be used for weld inspection.

Additional information


These instructions describe the basic process, but they may need to be amended by
the user to comply with applicable specification and/or inspection criteria provided by the
contracting agency

1. Application

Apply DP-50 only to clean, dry surfaces by spraying, flowing, brushing or

2. Dwell Time

A 10 minute dwell time is suggested, although in many cases five minutes
will suffice. When particularly tight cracks are suspected, or the part is especially critical,
the dwell time may be extended to 30 minutes, or longer. Allow the penetrant to drain
from the part surface back into the penetrant tank to conserve material

3. Removal

A) Water Wash Method – Use ambient temperature water to rinse DP-50 from the part
surface. To avoid washing entrapped penetrant from surface flaws, do not use high water
pressure temperatures and avoid prolonged washing times
B) Solvent Wipe Method – Remove as much excess penetrant as possible using a clean,
dry rag or toweling. Remove remaining penetrant film by wiping with a rag or toweling
that has been slightly moistened with solvent. Use a minimum of solvent; avoid flushing
penetrant from flaws. Do not spray solvent directly on the part surface when removing
excess penetrant. Rough surfaces require more generous application of solvent

4. Drying

A) A re-circulating oven set no higher than 1600F (710C) is suggested. Leave the part in
the oven just long enough to evaporate surface moisture. Drying is improved by using
pressurized air to disperse and remove as much excess water as possible before placing the
part in to the oven
B) When solvent remover is used, allow the surface to dry completely before applying

5. Developing

Apply the developer by spray or dip using the appropriate developer.
Flaw marks are visible under black light almost immediately, but allow sufficient
developing time to enhance the flaw visibility

6. Inspection

Inspect parts under appropriate light